Public Awareness


Aiming at placing nanotechnology in country's development dialogue, Iran nanotechnology Innovation Council (INIC) has focused on a broad spectrum of audiences in the society for building awareness and educating about nanotechnology. The promotion department focuses on various stakeholders of nanotechnology development including:

  • General Population
  • High school Students (student promotion)
  • Academic population
  • Experts and managers from public and private sectors

Promotion department undertakes several programs to expand decentralized education mechanisms, enhance capabilities in targeted groups, and leverage institutional capacities. some of these programs are stated below:


Driven by improving students’ understanding of nanoscience and nanotechnology and paving the way for them to learn about conducting research projects, INIC holds training courses and guides students from learning nanotech basic concepts to developing new ideas. 

Some programs pursued by NanoClub are as follows:

  • Preparing educational material on nanotechnology, including books, DVDs, and educational games
  • Publishing a student magazine titled “Nano-Bell”
  • Organizing exhibitions and festivals on nanotechnology in different provinces
  • Organizing student nanoscience and nanotechnology Olympiads
  • Managing and equipping educational nanotechnology laboratories (TAVANA) 

Student Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Festival 

As an annual event, NanoClub holds a festival in a bid to provide an opportunity for students to prove and practice their understanding. Few selected research plans will be nominated for competing in the next stages. In addition to presenting their findings, participants in the event have the chance to become familiar with top nanotech companies and meet them. 

Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Olympiad 

As of 2010, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Olympiad has been holding at national level in collaboration with Ministry of Education. Participants compete in theoretical and practical stages. Best performers of the theoretical stage attend a hands-on educational course in a research center where they receive training synthesis, analysis and application of nanomaterials.

Additionally, top performers will take a tour of nanotech centers across the country and then, will start the practical phase before an expert panel. During this final stage, participants will sit for written tests as well as defend their achievements during the course orally in the form of presentations to an expert panel. 

Nanotechnology Education Foundation (NEF) 

Nanotechnology Education Foundation started its mission in 2014, seeking to promote nanotechnology training in academic settings. On the center’s agenda are promoting nanotechnology in academic contexts and supporting promotional and training activities in the field of nanotechnology.

Some of the programs pursued by NEF are as follows: Holding brainstorming sessions with student institutes Subsidizing nanotechnology books:

  • Certifying nanotechnology trainers
  • Holding nanotechnology weeks in provinces of the country
  • Supporting nanotechnology training seminars and workshops
  • Supporting university student magazines about nanotechnology
  • Developing nanotechnology education website
  • Administering National Nanotechnology Competition (university level) 

Nanotechnology Education Website 

In line with promoting nanoscience and nanotechnology in the society, nanotechnology education website has been set up where interested individuals can use its educational and scientific materials, including educational articles and periodical tests. For more information visit http://edu.nano.ir. 

Provincial Nanotech Weeks 

Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council holds week-long events in different provinces of the country, during which students and industry representatives can participate. The events are a platform for introducing nanotech achievements of the country, sharing successful nanotech experiences in industrial sectors, introducing the nanotechnology council, its regulations and supports, holding brainstorming sessions with university lecturers, graduate students, and industrial experts. 

National Nanotechnology Competition 

Beginning in 2011, National Nanotechnology Competition is held annually, seeking to encourage competition among participants at university level. The competition comprises of multiple-choice questions. 

Industrial Promotion of Nanotechnology 

Iran Nanotechnology Innovation Council implements a number of programs in an attempt to encourage industrial applications of nanotechnology, including:

  • Showcasing nanotech products and achievements during industrial exhibitions
  • Supporting seminars on the application of nanotechnology in order to familiarize industry with the technology
  • Supporting publication of nanotech content in industrial magazines and periodicals
  • Offering educational packages on nanotechnology to industrial managers
  • Forming a body of nanotechnology industrial promotion brokers.
  • Providing information about Iran- made nanotech products
  • Supporting publication of industrial reports, nanotech entrepreneurship reports, as well as information about different uses of nanotechnology in various industries, and booklets on future research orientations

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